Policy/document name
Hockey Nova Scotia Maltreatment, Bullying and Harassment Protection and Prevention Policy |
Hockey Nova Scotia is committed to contributing to the physical, psychological, social and spiritual health of individuals of varying abilities, backgrounds and interests. Hockey Nova Scotia firmly believes that only when sport environments are safe and inclusive can these values be realized. Participants in Hockey Nova Scotia’s programming should have the reasonable expectation that Hockey Nova Scotia will provide an environment that is safe, accessible, inclusive and is free from all forms of Maltreatment, Bullying and Harassment. |
Hockey Nova Scotia Abusive Parent Dispute Resolution Policy |
Hockey Nova Scotia's Abusive Parent Dispute Resolution Policy |
Hockey Canada: Safety Requires Teamwork and Safety For All |
An information guide to Hockey Canada’s risk management and national insurance programs & a guide to understanding bullying, harassment and abuse for parents and guardians. |
Hockey Canada's Concussion Policy |
The Hockey Canada Safety Program was developed by Hockey Canada to promote injury prevention and safety through risk management education. The program ensures that hockey is played in the safest and most enjoyable way possible. |
On-Ice Helper Policy |
The On-Ice Helper Policy |
Hockey Canada Gender Expression Policy |
The Hockey Canada Gender Expression Policy is a foundational document designed to explicitly state Hockey Canada’s commitment to being more inclusive to transgender and non-binary participants. It spells out the practical considerations and needs to address often invisible and unique challenges that transgender and non-binary athletes face. This includes, but is not limited to, treatment, eligibility, registration and dressing rooms. |
Hockey Canada Dressing Room Policy |
Hockey Canada’s new Dressing Room Policy represents a shift in philosophy from previous dressing room regulations. The new model is based upon creating safe, inclusive and equitable dressing room environments that are designated team spaces for everyone, while providing proper supervision. Hockey Canada and Hockey Nova Scotia believe in balancing the safety, privacy, modesty and wishes of our participants without compromising the aspects of camaraderie, social integration and bonding inherent in a team sport. This policy attempts to meet these goals while providing a safe and respectful environment for participants. |
Hockey Nova Scotia Social Media Policy |
Hockey Nova Scotia Social Media Policy |
Hockey Canada Cyber-bullying Administration Manual |
Hockey Canada Cyber-bullying Administration Manual |
Hockey Nova Scotia Mandatory Helmet Memo |
Hockey Nova Scotia Mandatory Helmet for Coaches |
Hockey Canada's Locker Room Boxing Memo |
Locker Boxing memo |
Hockey Nova Scotia Intervention Policy |
The purpose of this policy is to establish a standard approach to conflict resolution so that parties can resolve difficulties or misunderstandings in a timely and transparent manner. It will present a line of authority which must be respected so that the process will be logical, coordinated, and effective. |
Hockey Nova Scotia On-Ice Bullying Policy |
Hockey Nova Scotia's On-Ice Bullying Policy |
Hockey Canada/Hockey Nova Scotia Hazing Policy |
Hockey Canada/Hockey Nova Scotia Policy on Hazing |
Hockey Nova Scotia Winter Travel Policy |
Hockey Nova Scotia Winter Travel Protocol |