

Hockey Nova Scotia is looking for new volunteers to join the Hockey Nova Scotia Officiating Program in leadership roles.

The Hockey Nova Scotia Officiating Program (HNSOP) is currently accepting applications for the following positions:

* Female Hockey Referee-in-Chief
* League Liaison (Nova Scotia U15 Major Hockey League/Metro High School Hockey League)

A breakdown of the roles and responsibilities for these two positions can be found below.

Female Hockey Referee-in-Chief

• Report directly to the Hockey Nova Scotia Referee-in-Chief
• Planning, delivering and scheduling of special events as required (ex: Hockey Nova Scotia Female Provincial Championships Weekend, National Aboriginal Hockey Championships, PWHPA Dream Gap Tour, etc.)
• Oversee the assignment of officials for the elite levels of female hockey • Assignment of elite-level female hockey playoffs
• Coach and supervise officials
• Liaison between female leagues and HNSOP

League Liaison (Nova Scotia U15 Major Hockey League/Metro High School Hockey League)

• Report directly to the Hockey Nova Scotia Referee-in-Chief
• Act as the contact person between HNSOP and the Nova Scotia U15 Major League
• Act as the contact person between HNSOP and the Metro High School Hockey League

To apply for these positions, please send a resume, along with a short explanation detailing why you want to join the HNSOP and what you believe you can offer the program to Hockey Nova Scotia Referee-in-Chief Rick Hill ( 

The deadline to apply is Sept. 15, 2022.

Hockey Nova Scotia is the governing body of all amateur hockey in Nova Scotia and is one of thirteen branches that form Hockey Canada. We are a not-for-profit voluntary association designed to promote and foster amateur hockey throughout the province. Our goal is to lead, develop and promote positive hockey experiences for all. At Hockey Nova Scotia, we believe diversity and inclusion are necessary for achieving this objective. We also believe in a diverse organization and workplace that is representative of Nova Scotia. We are committed to building an inclusive team that represents a variety of backgrounds, cultures, races, perspectives, and skills.

Good luck to all interested applicants!